
Online course


Understanding | Expansion | Compassion

ComprehensiOM, to understand that we interpret everything we see on the basis of our judgements. With expansiOM, we integrate that there is no distance with others, as well as the importance of cultivating generosity. With compasiOM, we manage to put ourselves in the position of the people we interact with.


Understanding is essential for interpreting what we see, based on our judgements. It allows us to analyse and make sense of information based on our experiences and prior knowledge. Through understanding, we construct a coherent view of the world around us.

Expansion teaches us that there is no real distance between us and others. This concept fosters generosity, because by understanding our interconnectedness, we are more likely to act with empathy and altruism. Cultivating generosity involves being willing to share and help others, recognising the impact of our actions on the global community.

Compassion allows us to put ourselves in the position of the people we interact with. It develops a deep empathy for the experiences of others, facilitating harmonious and caring relationships. Compassion motivates us to offer support and comfort, transforming our daily interactions and promoting a more humane and respectful coexistence.

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Material básico que utilizaremos siempre en los entrenamientos:

  • Una silla.
  • Una mantita (o toalla, jersey con capucha, etc... Algo para cubrirnos la cabeza cuando empecemos a meditar).
  • Si tienes auriculares inalámbricos y esterilla, te vendrán genial para entrenar (pero no son imprescindibles).


Material concreto necesario para el curso:

  • Dos piedras (dos cantos rodados, sin aristas que puedan hacerte daño y que quepan en la palma de la mano),
  • Cuenco (o similar),
  • Mano de mortero (o similar),
  • Un palo largo (tipo palo de escoba o similar),
  • Vaso de agua,
  • Papel y bolígrafo.

