OMtraining© is a practice, a conscious training , that seeks the liberation of the mind through the liberation of the body . Free the body from the emotions that remain anchored in it (and that can make us sick), and free the mind, which means being at peace, becoming observers of reality, understanding how life expresses itself, without experiencing pain and without generating pain: in love.
The mind is always in the past and the future, like a pendulum. If we let it wander, it leads to fears and afflictions, to stress and anxiety. However, the body is always present. For this reason, one of the OMtraining© slogans is: “You train then you meditate.” That is, whatever you do, however you are, if you train, you will be meditating .
OMtraining© is a secular method, without dogmas or blind acts of faith, which is constantly evolving. To do this, it draws on all the knowledge it has at its disposal, both the most classic and the most innovative, in addition to carrying out its own research through practice and experience.
OMtraining© is a training method aimed at any type of person, regardless of their age, origin and personal convictions.
In OMtraining© aspects of the most modern science are combined with the ancestral knowledge of the great currents of thought present in the history of humanity for thousands of years.
For example, from the Zen philosophy, OMtraining© has integrated into its training the recognition of the strength, determination and inner power of a samurai. From Buddhism, the aspects of gentleness, compassion and altruistic and unconditional love.
However, it is on science where OMtraining© focuses all its attention. Using branches such as anatomy, neuroscience, classical physics, quantum physics, psychology, etc., it reinforces the techniques inherent to the method to achieve maximum efficiency in the results.
The objective of OMtraining© is that the greatest number of people benefit from practicing it in their daily lives, that is why we avoid mysticism and biased views and provide a scientific basis to everything that happens in a training session.
An OMtraining© training is made up of different blocks: theoretical parts in which different concepts are delved into, physical training to anchor the developed theory in the body , conscious breathing techniques, meditations and visualizations.
In turn, as a result of all this, tools are obtained to apply everything worked on a daily basis, in order for true integration and genuine change to occur, both internally and in our personal relationships and with society.
The goal of OMtraining© is the liberation of the mind through the liberation of the body.
The body is the cemetery of emotions: we accumulate emotions throughout our lives and these emotions are reflected in the body, potentially making us sick. At OMtraining© we divide the body into five functional rings. These rings are linked with some organs, with some emotions, with some glands, with some hormones, and what we do in each training is neuroprogramming, consciously working on the dissolution of certain emotions, and, in that vacuum that is generated, we introduce a positive motivation.
And all this happens when the heart, which has the energy, the capacity for creation and transformation, is completely active, open and expanded, feeding every cell in the body. Therefore, we free the body with a practice and generate all the frequency we need to free the mind and reach that state of meditation, calm, and peace of mind.
But, in addition, if we train every day, working on specific solutions and motivations, what we are doing is not leaving room for drama. If every day we work on motivations to move towards life with specific aspects that we want to achieve, if every day we dissolve emotions that hurt us, if we influence areas of our body that can be affected by them, we are getting ahead, we are carrying out a task prevention in our physical and mental health.
All this makes OMtraining© a true method of vital transformation.
An OMtraining© training is made up of different types of exercises and encompasses many concepts. All of this has its reason for being. Each part of the practice is meticulously created to obtain the highest degree of benefit at all levels and is backed by numerous scientific studies.
In turn, as a result of all this, tools are obtained to apply everything worked on a daily basis , in order for true integration and genuine change to occur, both internally and in our personal relationships and with society.
Each phase of an OMtraining© training is backed by science. In disciplines such as anatomy, physiology, quantum physics, classical physics, neuroscience, psychology, etc., there are numerous scientific studies that support the methodology. Let’s look at some examples in each of the phases of training.
Aerobic exercise.
Science tells us that aerobic exercise produces cellular rejuvenation at a general level, as well as improvements throughout the body (improved heart performance, stronger and more functional respiratory system, regulation of the hormonal system, greater bone resistance and a long etcetera).
At OMtraining© we perform aerobic exercises in very short intervals, which do not exceed one minute per exercise and muscle group. This allows the student to give 100% of their abilities, since they understand that there is a limited end and trust in the process of practice.
This will make us feel how our heart pumps strongly, how our breathing accelerates, we will observe our active and strong body… We will feel, in short, life in its purest form.
Anaerobic resistance.
This phase is called “Inner” in OMtraining© . It is an essential phase to achieve the elimination of waste toxins, which entails the dissolution of emotions.
At OMtraining© we work mainly with lactic resistance. What science tells us is that, with a regular practice of anaerobic exercise, we will not only be consuming lactic acid, but we will delay its appearance and increase tolerance to it. Lactic acid is a waste substance that, if it reaches high levels, causes serious diseases.
In anaerobic resistance there is a debt (need or lack) of oxygen. Lactic acid comes into play because we are at a low level of oxygen. If we look at it from a “poetic” point of view, we are entering death (by not having oxygen) and we are generating, dissolving and eliminating a waste substance that allows us to sustain that state. So, we are (in some way) killing the “character” and we take advantage, through intention, to dissolve emotions that make up that character. Therefore, in these exercises we are dissolving emotions, because neuromuscular work is also generated. That is, we are mentally dissolving everything that we want to dissolve.
There are many other benefits such as improving muscle endurance and strength; increase in muscle mass, metabolism, energy reserves and bone strength and density; improvement of joints, etc.
For classical psychology, resilience is the ability to recover from an emotional crisis. However, Neuroscience goes one step further: when faced with an adverse situation, the person will not only overcome it, but will come out stronger, because they will use what they have experienced to grow and develop their maximum potential.
One of the mottos of OMtraining© is: “As you train, you live.” In this phase of training, a very simple position is held for just 3 or 4 minutes, which to the mind seems like an eternity, but in reality, it is nothing. If we enter the drama of the mind and collapse, we will also do so in life. On the contrary, if we are aware of our strength, we record that information in the body and it will help us in our daily lives.
In this regard, neuroscience speaks of neuroplasticity: if we learn and repeat behaviors, the neurons involved join together and create a stable neuronal chain. The same thing happens on the contrary: if we stop carrying out certain behaviors that harm us, the participating neurons tend to destroy the connections and be replaced by others. Actually, a change occurs not only in the way of thinking, but a physical change that sustains it.
Obvious is the importance that all sports disciplines and sciences involved with physical exercise, health, the human body, etc., give to stretching to avoid injuries. It has many other benefits for joints, muscles, for physical performance in general…
Normally we consider that, to exert force, what is important is the contraction of the muscles. Sometimes we forget that muscle also has other qualities, for example elasticity, which we must enhance and take advantage of. Likewise, there must be a balance between tension and relaxation, since, for there to be movement, one muscle must contract (tense), but the opposite muscle will have to relax and thus allow the action. Furthermore, absolute tension prevents fluidity, while excessive relaxation turns into laxity, which makes us weak instead of stronger.
This brings us to another very important concept OMtraining©:l the Middle Way. It is a Buddhist concept that involves the escape from extremes and that applies to every aspect of life: emotions, behavior and, of course, attitudes towards our body. For all this, a balanced, harmonious and efficient training will include both aspects, Yin and Yang, stretching being part of that Yin concept of the practice, more passive and gentle.
The benefits of meditation are widely demonstrated by many scientific areas, such as medicine, neurology, psychology, etc. It is an activity prescribed and recommended by every health professional.
At OMtraining© we carry out two types of meditation: “Ritsu Zen”, which is a Japanese term that describes the meditation we practice maintaining a certain standing and/or moving posture; and “Zazen” meditation, which is the meditation we do sitting and still. Both have different nuances that make the benefits also specific. The combination of both in each training is a new technique that multiplies its effects.
Some benefits highlighted by science are: enhancement of positive thoughts and feelings of happiness; activation of areas of the brain associated with feelings of empathy, compassion and altruistic love, which improves our relationship with others; decreased levels of anxiety and depression; increased gray matter and memory; improved concentration and creativity… And countless more. In general, it improves physical and mental health globally.
Solutions and motivations.
The fact that at OMtraining© we work by dissolving emotions and integrating motivations in their place may seem mystical, but nothing could be further from the truth. In this field the scientific support is equally solid.
In conclusion, in OMtraining© we work (and free) the body; we work (and free the mind). A transformation of the person occurs at all levels. When one changes, everything changes, and this is true from the most tangible to the most subtle.
In today’s society it is almost impossible to stop our mind and connect with our true essence. At OMtraining© we use the body as a vehicle to achieve global well-being on a physical and mental level. Through conscious physical training, meditations and neuroscientific techniques we achieve the elimination of limiting beliefs and the achievement of our goals.
OMtraining© involves a profound change in the body, both in health and aesthetics, as well as a profound modification of the mind, freeing it and awakening its full potential… OMtraining© generates a global transformation, in short: a new life.
OMtraining© be experienced in many ways. If you simply want to be in shape and feel comfortable with a stronger and more defined body… If you want your entire body to be healthy: your heart, your lungs, your muscles, your bones, your joints… If you want to simply “let go” and feel that pleasant sensation produced by the hormones that are released when we exercise… If you are attracted to meditation, but you have never been able to meditate and with OMtraining© it is easy and comfortable for you… Great. It’s perfect. An OMtraining© training will meet all these objectives.
But if, in addition to all of the above, you want to make an investment in the prevention of physical and mental illnesses, experience profound changes in your life, reconnect with your essence, improve relationships with your environment, obtain tools to achieve your dreams and goals and In short, generating a new reality, OMtraining© will also meet these expectations.
Each OMtraining© training is neuroprogramming. We delve into specific concepts, dissolve emotions that hurt and make us sick, work with motivations, define our objectives, and learn to trust ourselves, others and life to achieve them.
The benefits of OMtraining© are not limited to the space a mat occupies or the time a workout lasts. They are broad and expansive, reaching every aspect of our daily lives and our reality. Shall we start?
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