DNI: 23002546Q
Postal Address: Av de la Manga S/N (Cartagena), 30380
We process the information provided by interested parties for the following purposes:
To achieve these purposes, we will create a commercial profile based on the information provided. No automated decisions will be made based on the profiles in the database. Automated emails will be sent, pre-programmed by the data owner or their service providers or employees, to send information about blog updates and commercial products offered through this website, whether hosted on it or on third-party provider platforms. We will also use all types of cookies we deem appropriate for our personal brand.
Personal data provided on the website or the OMtraining application will be retained for a period of ten years from the last confirmation of your interest. They will also be retained as long as the business relationship is maintained. They will be deleted upon request for deletion or portability by the interested party.
The legal basis for processing your data is the execution of the online subscription to the blog, the contact form on the website, or its OMtraining application, as well as access to all products purchased on that website. The offer of products and services is based on the consent requested from you, and the withdrawal of this consent does not condition the execution of services or the delivery of pending products in any case.
Data collected through this website will be communicated to other companies in the corporate group for internal administrative purposes, including the processing of clients’ or employees’ personal data. OM Training and those to whom the data are communicated will have binding corporate rules approved by the European Data Protection Committee, available at
Any person has the right to obtain confirmation about whether we are processing personal data that concerns them or not. Interested parties have the right to access their personal data, as well as to request the rectification of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, request their deletion when, among other reasons, the data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected. In certain circumstances, interested parties may request the limitation of the processing of their data, in which case we will only retain them for the exercise or defense of claims. In certain circumstances and for reasons related to their particular situation, interested parties may object to the processing of their data. We will stop processing the data, except for legitimate compelling reasons or the exercise or defense of possible claims.
The personal data we process come from the website, the OMtraining mobile application, email, or instant messaging. The categories of data we process include: identification data, identification codes or keys, postal or electronic addresses, commercial information, and economic data. We also inform you that we do not obtain specially protected data regularly. If specially protected data reach our website, we will protect them in accordance with current regulations.
Copyright © 2021. Todos los derechos reservados