Semillas de amor is the non-profit social laboratory of OMtraining© that provides technical support for physical and emotional well-being programs for all those people who need it in their daily lives, making the methodology created by OMtraining©, in order to improve the lives of vulnerable people, mobilizing the power of humanity through emotions.
Through the Semillas de Amor social laboratory, we offer the OMtraining© methodology for free to cooperate with people in vulnerable situations to improve the management of their emotions, through OMline sessions that guarantee immediate global well-being to everyone who practices them. .
Each session provides:
1. An experience in the body through movement.
2. Guidelines for reflecting on the experience and its relationship with emotional competencies.
3. A diary of the experience with specific guidelines for collecting learning and applying it on a daily basis.
This means that, in the short term, benefits such as well-being and mental and emotional calm are obtained. In the medium term, a decrease in anxiety and an improvement in the channeling and management of emotions is observed. In the long term, there is a profound transformation in attitude and an improvement in quality of life.
Our objective is to make visible all vulnerable groups and facilitate access to tools to treat the emotional difficulties they face on a daily basis: people with functional diversity, migrants, prisoners, homeless, girls and women victims of violence, students, long-term unemployed, workers at risk of social exclusion, etc…
As a proposal from the ADHEX team and in coordination with the Deputy Director of Treatment and the psychologist of the Badajoz CP, a working prototype has been launched with male and female inmates.
The objective is to work on anxiety, group empathy, resilience and adaptation to the hostile environment in which they find themselves, which can affect their physical and mental well-being, and also the well-being of the group, reducing states of violence and addictive abuse.
The OMtraining© prototype has been carried out in both prisons, adapting the method to the needs of the environment and having six sessions. The groups consisted of men and women, who came voluntarily and arbitrarily. With fixed groups of attendees of between 10 and 15 people and ages between 25 and 50 years.
A high level of peace and calm was observed, which positively affected the development of the day, as well as a high level of group empathy. Furthermore, their way of relating to the group in later days changed, in such a way that, today, in therapy sessions, some inmates demand to retrain OMtraining©.
The University of Parma has carried out numerous studies on the relationship between mirror neurons and motor imagination, which explains the effectiveness of common practices among elite athletes, such as prior visualization of the result.
At OMtraining© we achieve, with high-impact and short-duration exercises, maximum physical efficiency. In addition, neuroprogramming occurs through motivations, visualizing our goals as a reality. At the same time, we take care of mental health by dissolving negative emotions that slow down our potential in any field.
All this makes OMtraining© a very interesting tool for professional sports.
Specific training was carried out with a group of junior athletes from the San José Obrero de Canarias Handball Club, to bring the method closer to this group. The responses received were very positive, both from the players and the professionals who were present.
According to data from the Spanish Mental Health Confederation, 59.3% of Spanish young people between 15 and 29 years old acknowledge having mental disorder problems.
OMtraining© is aware of the importance of reaching the younger generations with a method that helps them from an early age to be healthy both physically and mentally and that gives them tools to learn to manage their emotions.
OMtraining© helps them to be aware of their corporality, through physical activity carried out with guided training, helps them reflect on the experience and its relationship with emotions and gives them tools so that they can take learning into their daily lives.
That there are teaching teams that are betting on the fact that all this is being done in the field of formal education is simply wonderful.
At the Cuatro Naranjos school in Murcia, OMtraining© sessions have been carried out for early childhood education children, just before Art classes. Greater concentration, calm and inspiration was observed in the little ones during the completion of the tasks .
A prototype project is being carried out to bring the OMtraining© methodology to secondary school students,
The Canarian Government being a pioneer in the implementation of tools for working on emotions in primary school, with the Emocrea subject, now needs a tool that brings this knowledge through the body to adolescents.
The implementation is being carried out in groups of 10 to 20 students of boys and girls between the ages of 14 and 16, in the subjects:
1. Conditioning.
2. Voluntary group during recreation time.
3. Handball group (Physical Education).
4. Monographic work (Physical Education and Biology), from 4th ESO.
From the first moment, the level of satisfaction on the part of the teaching team has been very high when they saw the benefit it generated both in the individual student and in the class as a whole, in such a way that they have progressively increased the groups to which training was intended.
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